Global Press.

Culture trip.

Interview Title:

“ Cantonese Opera Needs a Saviour, and Mitche Choi Wants To Be It "

17 April 2019


Interview Title:

“The changing faces of Chinese figure painting"

10 May 2018

Asia Art Archive.Performance Title:“Staging Gender”30 Nov 2018

Asia Art Archive.

Performance Title:

“Staging Gender”

30 Nov 2018


Interview Title:

“The youths out to save Hong Kong's unique Opera”

27 Nov 2015

NY Times.Interview Title:“Breathing New Life Into Cantonese Opera”8 Sep 2013

NY Times.

Interview Title:

“Breathing New Life Into Cantonese Opera”

8 Sep 2013

Local Press.

Wen Wei Po.

Interview Title:

千珊梁燕飛締造一齣青春愛情劇 演繹《牡丹亭.夢》很有Feel

15 Dec 2019


Interview Title:

【生旦乾坤・B】由旦轉生的女人 千珊:性別模糊好吸引

21 Jan 2019

Interview Title:


28 Jan 2019

Metro Daily.

Interview Title:

非常人專訪 戲曲新人類 千珊立志承傳粵劇保育之責

11 Oct 2018

Oriental Daily News.

Interview Title:

粵曲試弘揚傳統文化 新秀憂業界一時難掌握

25 July 2018

Hong Kong Commercial Daily.

Interview Title:


06 July 2018


Hong Kong Commercial Daily.

Interview Title:

第六屆國際青少年文化藝術交流週北京舉行- 香港代表隊首次參與獲好平

16 Aug 2017